Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Congratulations Autumn Myers!

Congratulations are being sent out to Autumn Myers on the news of her recent engagement.

No wedding date has been set yet, but the neighbors of LaFayette Ridge join the Myers and Owens families in sending our well wishes to the happy couple!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Upcoming Neighborhood Events

The LaFayette Ridge neighborhood cook-out will take place at Ms. Emma's house on Saturday, September 26th at 7 p.m. Neighbors are asked to bring a covered dish or food item and a chair. The following items are needed: condiments, desserts, side dishes, and chips.
Please let us know if you can (or cannot) attend by September 19th so we know how much food to purchase. You can email or call the blogger with your plans.

The LaFayette Ridge fall neighborhood yard sale is scheduled for Friday, October 30 and Saturday, October 31. Mark your home with a sign or balloon. We'll advertise on free sites like Craigslist and LoganvilleOnline.

The LaFayette Ridge Ladies Meeting will take place on Tuesday, November 10th at Ms. Emma's House. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. and will cover holiday plans, decoration details, and a discussion/election of neighborhood officers.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Get Well Ms. Emma

Get well wishes are being sent out to Ms. Emma who met the wrath of angry yellow jackets while working in her yard on Wednesday. Ms. Emma suffered 18+ bee stings. We hope you feel better soon!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Stakeout Planned for 8/14 & 8/15

Another neighborhood stakeout is planned for Friday and Saturday nights. See Maria to sign up or for information. Those taking part are asked to meet in the intersection at 9 p.m. Watch times range from midnight to 2 a.m. and 2 a.m. - 4 a.m.
Be careful!

Here's the breakdown of those signed up for this weekend's stakeout:

End Cul-de-sac
Greg (12-2)
Tim (2-4)

The Curve
John (12-2)
Joe C (2-4)

Doug & Alvin (12-2)

End Cul-de-Sac
John (12-2)

The Curve
Joe W (12-2)
Mike (Sandy's Son) (2-4)

Dexter & Mark (12-2)

Don't forget: If you see anything suspicious in the neighborhood, please call Donnie Garcia (WCSO) at 678-428-4888.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Home Invasion Suspect Sought - Stewart Road

Walton County Sheriff's Office detectives are looking for a burglary suspect who assaulted a 17-year-old girl who was home sick from school. The incident took place Monday at 1169 Stewart Road in Loganville.

The suspect is identified as a black male, medium build, in his late teens to early 20s, dark brown complexion, clean shaven with shoulder-length dreadlocks. The suspect is also said to have a nose which appeared to be broken or bent to the right. He wore a black wave cap and a black baggy T-shirt.

Anyone with information should contact the WCSO Criminal Investigation Division Detective Briscoe at 770-267-2391.

Neighborhood Directory & Stakeout Sign-ups Ongoing

See Maria for information on updating your entry in our neighborhood directory and to sign up for a time/date to take part in our neighborhood watch/stakeout initiative.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Stakeout Planned for LaFayette Ridge

LaFayette Ridge neighbors, fed up with the recent vandals, are planning an overnight stakeout of the neighborhood Friday and Saturday evening. Various residents will work in shifts (both in the front and back of the neighborhood) in an effort to catch and/or deter the perpetrators.

Please remain vigilant of your property and the neighborhood as a whole.

UPDATE: Donnie Garcia, a gang task force officer with the Walton County Sheriff's Department, was in the neighborhood Friday evening, patrolling the area. He gave his personal cell phone number (678-428-4888) and said please call him if we see anyone in our neighborhood. Garcia said he is stepping up patrols in Barrington, our neighborhood and Green's Mill after a rash of problems. He said the best description of a suspect is a skinny white male with long hair (and riding a skateboard).

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Georgia Eliminates Homeowners Relief Grant

Walton County homeowners will probably see a higher tax bill this fall due to the state’s elimination of the Homeowners Tax Relief Grant Program (HTRG).

The program, appropriated by the General Assembly and the Governor, has funded an increased homestead exemption for Georgia homeowners that has appeared as a credit on tax bills since it was established in 1999. It is reported the program in 2008, provided a nearly $429 million tax break for homeowners on their property tax bills, resulting in a $200 to $300 savings for the most of them.

More to come. . .

Monday, August 3, 2009

Neighborhood Meeting a Success

Twelve LaFayette Ridge families were represented during a Neighborhood Watch Meeting held at the blogger’s home on Sunday. The meeting was held to discuss the recent vandalism in the neighborhood and to come up with ideas and solutions to combat the problem.

It appears that the kids vandalizing the neighborhood are entering via the Cobblestone subdivision (off McCuller's Road). Of course these are unsubstantiated claims, but a clear path is visible between the Camp's home and the Beverly's home. The vandals recently hit the Beverly's swimming pool, which is not clearly noticeable from the street. Also, the items destroyed, missing or moved seem to shift from the Chandler's home down to the front entrance. Perhaps they are entering from Cobblestone and hitting houses on their way out of the subdivision.

Here's some of what we came up with:
  • Leave outside lights and front porch lights on (if only temporarily to deter the vandals)

  • Move tempting items inside (like yard decorations and greenery)

  • Set up motion-detected lights and cameras.

  • Purchase a sign for the front entrance reading, "You are under video surveillance."

  • Tell more than one neighbor if you are going to be out of town. Neighbors can look out for each other's homes.

  • Call the police any time something suspcious is observed.

  • Create a telephone chain when something happens or is noticed. Contact neighbors immediately when something happens and perhaps we can catch the vandals in the act or leaving the neighborhood.

  • Get familiar with neighbor's vehicles and investigate or report suspcious or unrecognized vehicles.

  • Bring in your garage door openers nightly from cars parked outside (after 22+ car break-ins in the Walton County area).
Helpful Web links:
Online store for purchasing home video surveillance systems:

Walton County Sheriff's Department Crime Tube:

In Other News Discussed at the Meeting:
  • Paul gave the treasury report and indicated that there is currently $952 in the coffers.

  • The annual power bill for entrance lights runs $116.

  • LED lights will be purchased for the Christmas decorations for the front entrance.

  • The neighborhood cookout will be held in late September/early October at Ms. Emma’s house.

  • Get well wishes are being sent out to Autumn Myers.

  • We have new neighbors (in the Parrish's old house). Tom and Shanda have 3 children, ages 10, 14 and 16.

Neighborhood Dinner - Jan. 11

Save the Date - January 11, 2018  Neighborhood After-the-Holidays Dinner  Foggy Bottom BBQ Full details to come