Sunday, July 28, 2013

Flasher in Barrington Manor

A flasher was reported in Barrington Manor and The Falls at Rocky Branch off Gum Creek Church Road in recent weeks. Here's an email from the Johnson Road Community Website:

"FYI: I was mowing my front lawn when a young man 19-25 years old slowly pulled up in the street at my front yard. He was driving a dark green either Jeep Cherokee or an explorer. I asked if he needed something and without saying a word shook his head yes! Then he exposed himself to me!

After screaming a few words at him, he continued to "pleasure himself" until I yelled I was calling the police! He then sped out of the neighborhood. I tried to get his tag number but evidently I missed a number. I live in Barrington Manor so please be aware! The police did come but it was awhile before they got to my home and I am sure he was long gone!

Just wanted to let you know,"
Liz Chase

Be aware and let's keep our neighborhood (and children) safe. Report any suspicious activity.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Baby Shower for Kim

We are so excited to celebrate the upcoming arrival of David and Kim's daughter (due in September). Join us for a baby shower on Sunday, August 25th at 3:30 p.m. at Sandy's house.

Kim is registered at Babies R Us and Target.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sympathy & Prayer Request

Our sympathy goes out to Cory Farmer and family upon the passing of his grandmother (stepfather's mother). Services were held over the weekend in Snellville.

UPDATE: Cory's family has suffered another (unexpected) loss. His aunt (stepfather's sister) passed away two days after his grandmother. Please keep them in your prayers.

And please pray for Lauren's (favorite) uncle who has recently been diagnosed with colon cancer. He will undergo surgery to remove two tumors in the near future.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Congratulations to the Myers Family

Congratulations go out to Angie and Eddie who will become grandparents (and Buddy and Melanie who will become great-grandparents)! Autumn and Seth are expecting their first baby!

UPDATE: It's a boy and he's due December 15th!!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

School Supplies Needed

The Back to School Bash at Hope United (educational ministry in the Bay Creek Mobile Home Park) is set for Sunday, August 4th. We are looking for donations of school supplies to be handed out to the kids at the party. Basic supplies are most needed (glue sticks, paper, notecards, pencils, etc).

If you are interested in donating school supplies, please contact Lauren. Our church is happy to give you a tax deductible donation receipt.

Neighborhood Dinner - Jan. 11

Save the Date - January 11, 2018  Neighborhood After-the-Holidays Dinner  Foggy Bottom BBQ Full details to come