Monday, June 30, 2014

Welcome New Neighbors & Other News

We welcome the King family to the neighborhood! Kris and Alicia and family have officially moved into the Beverly/Clark's house.

We are praying for the Farmer family after the loss of Cory's last grandparent and for healing for Cory who will undergo an outpatient surgery on his shoulder Thursday.
UPDATE: Funeral arrangements for Cory's grandmother will be held today.

And please be in prayer for Jim's aunt Judy who has gone missing in the Fayetteville area.
UPDATE: Jim's aunt was found trapped upside down in her car after running off an embankment. She was in there for 14 hours in the heat yesterday. She was airlifted to Atlanta Medical and is in ICU on a ventilator. Please pray for her.
UPDATE 2: Judy is out of ICU and in a regular room. Her doctors said she is going to be fine! 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Neighborhood News & More

New Neighbors Moving In
Lafayette Ridge will have another set of new neighbors in the Beverly's former home as the Clark's are selling the home (closing set for Thursday). Let's welcome our new neighbors (reportedly a Georgia Power employee).

July 4th
July 4th Parade - 10 a.m. on Friday, July 4th in downtown Loganville.
For more information, click here


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Congrats Joe W!

Congratulations go out to Joe W. who completed his Ph.D. (Doctor of Theology) degree in May! Joe graduated from Liberty International University.

We are so proud of you! Guess we'll have to start referring to Joe W. as Dr. Joe or just "Doc"!!!

Congratulations on a job well done!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Got Shoes?

Got any old shoes you don't wear anymore? Please consider donating them to FBCL's Pur[shoe]ing Joy Shoe Collection drive to benefit needy children in rural Guatemalan villages.

Did you know that the thing that keeps many kids from getting an education in rural Guatemalan villages is an inability to afford shoes? And without an education, they cycle of poverty continues. First Baptist Church of Loganville wants to help provide shoes for kids so they can go to school and break the cycle.

From June 1-8, FBCL will be collecting used shoes (all sizes) to be distributed to children and students in Guatemala. If you are interested in giving, please contact me (Lauren) and I will be happy to come by and pick them up to add to our collection bin at church.

Neighborhood Dinner - Jan. 11

Save the Date - January 11, 2018  Neighborhood After-the-Holidays Dinner  Foggy Bottom BBQ Full details to come